Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Choices During This Retreat

This past two weeks of RDL have been the hardest as I saw the extent of my unbelief in God's love and mercy.  

My SD invited me to make certain choices, because we are all given the gift of choice.

  1. I will choose to believe that God, in His infinite goodness, does not withhold anything good from me.  If he delays, or if he declines, after my prayer, it means that that is what's best for me.  Period.
  2. I will choose to stay in my current situation and I will embrace it with acceptance.  Things are no longer thrust and forced onto me if I make a choice to stay and to accept.  
  3. I will choose to be grateful for my many blessings and not resent them or take them for granted.
  4. I will choose to love even if it hurts.
  5. I will choose to obey because I trust Him and have seen His mighty saving power.
  6. I will look more deeply into the life and teachings of Jesus, and this time when I follow it will be with a deeper knowledge of and intimacy with Him.
  7. I will choose to understand where people are coming from and not blame them anymore.
  8. I will choose to receive love.
  9. I will choose to look at myself first, if I am still okay, before performing my duties and imposing new and impossible ones.
  10. I will pray for the grace to patiently wait on the Lord.
Afterwards, I had dinner with a friend who brought a book for me to read, about Waiting.  The Season of Advent has started early for me.  

It is in the choosing that I respond to God's Love.  I choose Love above everything and everyone else.

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