Saturday, October 26, 2013

Now Showing: Spirit of Life Interviews

I have the privilege to share with you the insights of my personal coach, Corey Payton.

Last year, I wrote about Life After Life Coaching, and the deep impact it has made in my life. Recognizing my goals and identifying the hindrances from reaching those goals have been a major part of my decision to take a year off from full-time work to be more in touch with who I want to become. Yes, my Gap Year discernment started with the coaching sessions.  I went through formal spiritual direction/counseling with a priest a few months after that (see New Stop in the Journey) but I was greatly helped by my personal coach.

Corey was interviewed on Melbourne TV recently. It aired on two episodes of Spirit of Life. He talks about his faith journey since childhood in the first episode.

The second interview is more about coaching and the topics he is going to discuss when he speaks before the Christian Singles Conference this November.

I was blessed by his sharing and his insights, and I am sure many people will be when they watch this video and attend this conference.

Corey is behind Life Horizons Coaching and is an active part of Evergreen

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