Sunday, November 07, 2004

Today I Felt Loved

Today was a good day.

I spent the morning at the Cenacle Retreat House. Talking to Sister Susay always calms me and leads me to listen to God more intimately. Then I roamed the Cenacle Garden once more and felt so alive. I have come to know almost every nook and cranny of that little garden. All the times that I had communed there with God for the past two years came back to me, enriching my experience and making me love every blade of grass and fallen petal that I saw. I concluded my morning with silence in front of our Lord at the chapel. I shall come there every week now for my intensive discerment process. The thought excites me.

My parents are visiting my sister in Sydney so instead of my brother's family coming over to visit at our house, I decided to visit them. I played a little with my nephews but was feeling lethargic so I just listened to them play. Their giggles just made me more content and confirmed that I am indeed surrounded by love. It was a relaxing afternoon that I spent at their house and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I had dinner and went to Mass with a very good friend and sister with whom I share pieces of my journal. She and I are traversing different paths, having started from opposite ends of the spectrum, but everytime we talk we remember where we are rooted and are able to bring each other back to the absolutes of our faith.

Throughout the day I was also in touch with people who are very close to my heart.

I have been surrounded by God's love today. I shall mark this day so I could look back at it when I forget my eternal identity; when I search for what I already know; when I feel alone and unloved. Moments like the ones I had today should be put in my mental photo album for me to gaze at when expressions of love are scarce.

I felt love today.

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